A story about power, economic inequality, and the struggle to imagine a future less dependent on fossil fuels
She Was Derided as “Plastic Pat,” but Fought Behind the Scenes for Her Causes — Including Women’s Rights
He Appeared on Long Island with a Business Card that Read “George Gordon Moore, Capitalist”
An extended meditation on what it means to write amid our escalating crises of extinction and climate change
A terse, melodious tale of a professor haunted by a person she’s never met and a place she’s never been.
A Novel that is Better-Written, and of Course Funnier, than Upton Sinclair’s ‘The Jungle’
These 10 Books About and by Women Leaders Have Important Lessons for these Challenging Times
The ‘Sedition Hunters’ Helped the FBI Bring Far-Right Anti-Democracy Militants to Justice
From Isabel Allende to a Memoir of a Grueling Migration from El Salvador to the United States
Madonna’s Approach to Her Work, the Author Says, Is Driven by Her “Insatiable Curiosity”
Steve Inskeep Looks at the 16th President from the Varied Perspectives of Those Who Knew Him
For Seaman, books are touchstones, companions, and portals to discovery.